Sacrament Meeting Live Stream

Sacrament meetings are held Sundays at 10 AM. We strongly encourage families and individuals to come in-person in order to gain the greatest benefit of worshiping together. If you are unable to come in-person we would appreciate it if you would join us, virtually. 

Please use the button below to join in our worship service when being physically present is not appropriate for your current circumstance.  We hope that whatever is keeping you away from us is over soon!

Looking for Interactive Sunday School Classes? Click here.

The Sunday Bulletin may be found here.

The Stream is Paused During the Meeting 

The live stream is intentionally paused during the administration of the sacrament ordinance in accordance with church policy. This lasts for about 15 minutes starting around 10:15. It is resumed around 10:30. If you would like permission to administer the sacrament in your home, please reach out to Bishop Whitney directly.

When is Virtual Sacrament Appropriate?

Please refer to the following list of situations where attending sacrament meeting virtually would be appropriate:

If you are on a family vacation or work trip and traveling well outside the ward boundaries, you should make an effort to attend sacrament meeting at the ward that covers your geographic region. Please click here to find a ward near you.

Having trouble? Refresh this page, click the direct link below, or enter the meeting ID 992 0392 8922 directly into zoom (no passcode).

Please note that this is a broadcast link. You will only be able to view and listen to the services. You will not be requested to turn on your microphone or your camera during the meeting.

Click here for more information regarding our worship services.